Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 5-11

Branch Lake, Ellsworth, Maine: Large, Quiet & Idyllic for Lakefront Property
Branch Lake, Ellsworth, Maine: Large, Quiet & Idyllic for Lakefront Property
December 1, 2013
Out and About for the Mid-Coast Lakes Region of Maine Dec. 5-11
Out and About for the Mid-Coast Lakes Region of Maine Dec. 5-11
December 5, 2013

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 5-11

Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 5-11
Out and About for the Bangor Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 5-11

Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers present “The Grinch,” Ellsworth

Dec. 5, Thursday, 6:00 p.m.-7:20 p.m., “Live Nativity, 40 Year Celebration,” to commemorate this special anniversary three original participants, Dr. Bill Horner, Dean Booher, and Bob Chaplin, will once again portray The Wise Men standing in this Holy scene, they will be wearing the same costumes they wore 40 years ago verified by a photo taken by noted photographer Ed Elvidge, free and open to the public, Bar Harbor Congregational Church, 29 Mount Desert Street, Bar Harbor. FMI: 207-288-3280, www.vintagelady@roadrunner.com.
Dec. 5, Thursday, 7:30pm, UMaine Symphonic Band Concert, under the direction of Chris White the ensemble will feature Dr. Jack Burt and Dr. Dan Barrett in Derek Bourgeois’ Double Concerto for Trumpet, Bass Trombone and Band. The auditioned group of 45 of the best wind and percussion musicians at UMaine performs at concerts on and off campus, including an annual spring tour around the state. Previous stops have included Symphony Hall in Boston and Merrill Auditorium in Portland, $12, UMaine School of Performing Arts, Minsky Recital Hall, 5788 Class of 1944 Hall, Orono. FMI: 207-581-4721, www.umaine.edu/spa.
Dec. 6, Friday, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., “A Christmas Carol Radio Show,” recommended for grades 1 and up Charles Dickens’ classic holiday story is presented in an inter- active ‘radio show-style’ adaptation. The audience will have the opportunity to experience this thrilling re-telling of the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the real meaning of the season of giving by adding ghostly sounds, wind effects and singing carols. In addition, some audience members will join the cast onstage at the sound effects table to create ghostly chains and other sounds, $3 per person, contact venue for ticketing information, The Grand, 165 Main Street, Ellsworth. FMI: 207-667-9500, www.gthompson@grandonline.org.
Dec. 6, Friday, 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m., “Reading the Forested Landscape at Hirundo Wildlife Refuge,” join Larry Beauregard to learn to read the landscape. Larry’s presentation focuses on forest succession and disturbances, free and open to the public, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Gate 1, Hudson Road, Alton. FMI: 207-944-9259, www.web@hirundomaine.org.
Dec. 6, Friday, 6:00 p.m., “Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers: The Grinch,” they are back with their holiday hilarity and the great curmudgeon character, The Grinch, $7 adults, $5 youth, contact venue for ticketing information, The Grand, 165 Main Street, Ellsworth. FMI: 207-667-9500, kbillings@grandonline.org.
Dec. 7, Saturday, 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m., “Live Music: Choral,” “Sounds of the Season” features well known favorites like “Do You Hear What I Hear” and “Still, Still, Still” and also ventures as far as Russia for an exciting “Sleighbells”, works revolve around topics of snow, the Holiday season and Peace, free and open to the public, Church of the Universal Fellowship, 82 Main Street, Orono. FMI: 207-866-3655, www.CUF82@myfairpoint.com.
Dec. 8, Sunday, 12:00 p.m.-3:00p.m., “Christmas Greens Gathering in the Wildlands,” get your Christmas Tree the old-fashioned way—bring family and friends to the Great Pond Mountain Wildlands Sundays, Dec. 1 & 8 from noon to 3 pm, for a hayride, bonfire, hot cocoa and goodies, and cut your own wild, open-grown balsam fir for $25. Additional trees or greens for the same family are $10 each, cutting help and handsaws available; no chainsaws please. Proceeds benefit GPMCT and the cutting helps thin overcrowded forest. Visitors can access the Wildlands from North Gate on Bald Mountain Road (0.2 mi. west of Winkumpaugh Road intersection) or South Gate on Rte. 1 (just south of the Rte. 176 junction in East Orland), Orland. FMI: 207-469-6929, www.info@greatpondtrust.org.

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