Out and About in the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 24-30

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Out and About in the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 24-30

Out and About in the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 24-30
Out and About in the Bangor Lakes Region of Maine Oct. 24-30

“The Woman in Black,” Bangor Opera House

Oct. 23, Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., “Deep Down in the Dark,” children will learn about the groovy Gulf of Maine, get up close and personal with tiny phytoplankton, discover the complexities of marine food webs, and explore the darkest corners of the ocean floor, free and open to the public, Children’s Room, Patten Free Library, 33 Summer Street, Bath, FMI: 207-442-8400, www.kennebecstuary.org.
Oct. 23, Wednesday, 6 p.m., “The Nite Show,” be the audience for a live taping of “The Nite Show” with Danny Cashman, Bangor’s favorite late night style show (shown on WABI 5 on Saturday nights). Three segments will be taped and edited by NESCOM students. Beer and wine will be available at concessions for those 21 and older. Admission by donation. Suggested donation $5, Next Generation Theatre at the Between Friends Art Center, 39 Brewer, FMI: 207-989-7100, www.nextgenerationtheatre.com.
Oct.24, Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m., “Reflections As of Above, So Below,” inspired by the beauty of the natural world as seen along the coast, free and open to the public, Ellsworth Public Library, 20 State Street, Ellsworth, FMI: 207-667-6363, www.ellsworthlib.org.
Oct. 26, Saturday, 12:30 p.m. – 12 p.m., “Story Walk,” do you love to read, does spending time with your family, friends, or classmates make you happy? Do you enjoy staying physically fit and active? Does exploring nature excite you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, readers and walkers of all ages are invited to join us for the official launch on the Penobscot Landing Trail in Brewer. (park at the library; walk to the entrance next to Schooners on South Main Street, Brewer Public Library, 100 South Main Street, Brewer, FMI: 207-989-7943, www.brewermaine.gov.
Oct. 26, Saturday, 8 p.m., “The Woman in Black,” this spine-chilling ghost play tells the eerie tale of a young solicitor who makes a ghostly encounter that will haunt him ever after. Summoned to attend the funeral of an elderly client, Arthur Kipps discovers the tragic secrets hidden behind the shuttered windows of the remote Eel Marsh House. A woman in black is not as she appears, and a creeping sense of unease takes hold as her story unfolds. Sure to stir the spirits of the historic Bangor Opera House! $37 for first tier each, The Bangor Opera House, 131 Main Street, Bangor, FMI: 207-947-6618, www.penobscotttheatre.org.
Oct. 27, Sunday, 12 a.m. – 5 p.m., “The Founded Trio Band Concert,” enjoy a free concert and listen to the sweet sounds of this faithful band, free and open to the public, Glad Tidings Church, 1033 Broadway, Bangor, FMI: 207-947-0324, www.facebook.com/gtcbangor.
Oct. 27, Sunday, 3-5 p.m., “Fourfold,” the work of artists Jadrien Cousens, Edward harrow, Ed Nadeau and Susan Webster will be on display, free and open to the public, 
Boyd Place, 21 Boyd Street, Bangor, FMI: 207- 941-2820, www.boydplace.org.

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