Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 22 – 28

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 22 – 28
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 22 – 28
August 21, 2013
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 22 – 28
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 22 – 28
August 21, 2013

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 22 – 28

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 22 – 28
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 22 – 28

at Windsor Fairgrounds, Windsor

Aug. 22-25, Thursday-Sunday, all day event, Blistered Fingers Family Bluegrass Festival, some of the Greatest Bluegrass music you can see and hear at one of the largest family musical events in New England! This Bluegrass Festival takes place twice every year bringing thousands of Music lovers from all over the World converging in Litchfield, Maine to hear banjos, fiddles, and those high, lonesome harmonies. This event will feature many National and Local bands from all over the world. The Blistered Fingers festival has something for all ages, $10-$30, Litchfield Fairgrounds, Litchfield. FMI: 207-873-6539, www.blisteredfingers.com.
Aug. 22, Thursday, 6:30pm, Summer Outdoor Concert Series, Billy Libby and Friends, singer-songwriter, bring chairs or blankets to sit on, free, Lithgow Public Library, 45 Winthrop Street, Augusta. FMI: 207-626-2415, www.lithgow.lib.me.us.
Aug. 22-24, Thursday-Saturday, 8pm, “Mama Won’t Fly,” Savannah Sprunt Fairchild Honeycutt lives in Alabama.  Her brother lives in California and he is getting married there in four days. Savannah has promised to bring their mother Norleen to the wedding.  Savannah’s problem: Mama won’t fly. The only solution…and certainly the funniest…road trip, $19/advance, $21/at the door, Lakewood Theatre, 76 Theatre Road, Madison. FMI: 207-474-7176, www.lakewoodtheater.org.
Aug. 23, Friday, 7:30pm, Jonathan Edwards, four decades into a stellar career of uncompromising musical integrity, the man simply delivers, night after night-songs of passion, songs of insight, songs of humor, all rendered in that pure and powerful tenor, which, like fine wine, has only grown sweeter with age, $28, Johnson Hall Performing Arts Center, Gardiner. FMI: 207-582-7144, www.johnsonhall.org.
Aug. 24, Saturday, 9:30am-4:30pm, Designing Women Fine Arts & Crafts 7th Annual Manchester Show, featuring over twenty local female artisans and craftwomen, chair massages, a stationary smoothie bike, and Winthrop’s own children’s author Lynn Plourde will also be on hand with Apple Valley Books to autograph and sell copies of her new book, “You’re Wearing THAT To School?!” In addition to Longfellow’s wonderful end-of-the-season specials, lady artisans and craftswomen will display their high quality and beautifully handcrafted pottery, handbags, jewelry, glasswork, handwoven clothing and accessories, home accents, stained glass, natural beauty and body care products, and sculptural ceramic art, $2, Longfellow’s Greenhouses, 81 Puddledock Road, Manchester. FMI: 207-622-5965, www.desingingwomen.org.
Aug. 24, Saturday, 7:30pm, “What if…” which recently played to rave reviews and enthusiastic audiences in Lewiston, will debut on the CLT stage with its original cast, Danielle Eaton, Jason Pelletier, Ryan Adair, and Vicki Machado. CLT audiences are familiar with these actors, who have all recently been on the CLT stage in shows such as “Rabbit Hole,” “Almost Maine,” and “Odd Couple.” Funny, intense, and at times uncomfortable (in the best theatrical sense), “What If…” uses an after-dinner party game to shine the spotlight on things that might go wrong in a marriage… and do! Adult language and content. Not recommended for children, $12, Little Community Theatre, 30 Academy Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-783-0958, www.laclt.com.
Aug. 25-Sept. 2, Sunday, 9am/gates open, Windsor Fair, agricultural exhibits, arts and crafts, midway, pulling events, harness racing and more, $7/adults, $9/ Friday-Saturday and 2nd Sunday, free/under 16, Windsor Fair Grounds, Route 32 Windsor. FMI: 207-622-4646, www.windsorfair.com.

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