Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21

Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21
Out and About for the Mid Coast Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21
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Out and About for the Sanford/York Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21
August 15, 2013

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21

Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21
Out and About for the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine Aug. 15-21

 Great Falls Balloon Festival, Lewiston/Auburn

Aug. 15-18, Thursday-Sunday, 7am/gates open, Skowhegan State Fair, the nations oldest consecutively running agricultural fair, classic fair with rides, food, entertainment, livestock, harness racing, truck pull, etc, $6/ Thursday, $8/Friday-Sunday, free/children under 5, Skowhegan Fair Grounds, 33 Constitutional Avenue, Skowhegan. FMI: 207-474-2947, www.skowheganstatefair.com.
Aug. 15, Thursday, 2-3pm, Memere’s Notebook: Lost Acadian Music, join Boreal Tordu’s Robert Sylvain as he explains the personal journey he underwent as he took on the task of reviving the lost Acadian songs he discovered in his grandmother’s notebook, free, USM-Lewiston/Auburn Campus, 51 Westminster Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-753-6545, www.usm.maine.edu.
Aug. 16-18, Friday-Sunday, all-day event, 6am and 6pm/launch times, 21st Annual Great Falls Balloon Festival, when the balloons aren’t floating overhead there is still plenty to do: dozens of food booths, craft and trade booths, a children’s area, carnival rides and various demonstrations, balloon rides available, see site for ticketing information, Simard-Payne Memorial Park, Oxford Street, Lewiston. FMI: www.greatfallsballoonfestival.org.
Aug. 16-18, Thursday-Sunday, 7:30pm/Thurs-Sat, 2pm/Sun, “Spamalot,” lovingly ripped from the classic film comedy “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” this story retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, and features a bevy of beautiful show girls, not to mention cows, killer rabbits, and French people, $18, $15/seniors, Community Little Theater, Academy Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-783-0958, www.laclt.com.
Aug. 16-18, Thursday-Sunday, 8pm/Thurs-Sat, 4pm/Sun, “Mama Won’t Fly,” Savannah Sprunt Fairchild Honeycutt lives in Alabama. Her bother lives in California and he is getting married there in four days. Savannah has promised to bring their mother Norleen to the wedding. Savannah’s problem: Mama won’t fly. The only solution…and certainly the funnies…road trip!, $19/advance, $21/door, Lakewood Theatre, 76 Theatre Road, Madison. FMI: 207-474-7176, www.lakewoodtheater.org.
Aug. 17, Saturday, 10am-3pm, Turner Natural History Club Flower Show and Community Information Day, the flower show has three judged classes: cup & saucer, miniatures, and container of your choice; but all entries must contain only wildflowers. Entries must be in place by 11am with judging at 11:30. The Information Day presentation is the film “Sustainable Maine: Saving our Lakes” at 1pm, followed by questions and answers with a Colby College researcher from the Belgrade Lakes project, free, Turner Natural History Club and Museum, 442 Turner enter Road, Turner. FMI: 207-515-1857, www.facebook.com/TurnerNaturalHistoryClub.
Aug. 17, Saturday, 7:30-9pm, Nordica Day Concert, the annual Nordica Day concert commemorates the day on which Lillian Nordica, famed operatic diva and Farmington native, last visited her hometown in 1911. This year’s singer will be Jessica Kenian, soprano, winner of the annual Nordica Award. Her accompanist will be Kathleen Scott, donation, Nordica Auditorium, Merrill Hall, UMF, Farmington. FMI: 207-778-2042, www.dailybulldog.com.

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