Bangor 4th of July Parade
July 4, Thursday, 11am, Bangor 4th of July Parade, the largest parade in Maine with over 1,000 participants and viewed by over 30,000 people, free, beginning in Brewer and ending in Bangor. FMI:
July 4, Thursday, 11-12am, Hubble Vision, combines the splendor of the cosmos brought into focus by the Hubble Space Telescope, on a journey through the universe, using images from the orbiting observatory, Hubble vision uncovers the planets; peeks into star birth nurseries; catches visions of star death in its many forms; and explores distant star clusters and galaxies, ages 10-adult, $3, UMaine Maynard F. Jordan Planetarium, 5781 Wingate Hall, Orono. FMI: 207-581-1341,
July 4, Thursday, 6-7:30pm, Bangor Band ‘Cool Sounds’ Concert, outdoor concert, conducted by “Chip” Farnham, should weather by uncooperative the rain venue is Peakes Auditorium, Bangor High School, 885 Broadway, free, Pickering Square, Bangor. FMI: 207-945-9397,
July 7, Sunday, 12pm, Duane Ingalls at Catherine Hill Winery, join us for an afternoon of some fine musicianship, enjoy wine and cheese tasting, Catherine Hill Winery, 661 Blackswoods Road, Cherryfield. FMI: 207-546-3426,
July 7, Sunday, 2-3pm, Guided Canoe Tour at the Hirundo Wildlife Refuge Center, explore the waters of Pushaw and Dead Streams, canoes and equipment provided or bring your own, reservations required, $5/adults, free/school age children, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge, Hudson Road, Gate 1, Alton. FMI: 207-944-9259,
July 10, Wednesday, 5pm/gates open, Daughtry & 3 Doors Down with Halestrom, $31.75-$67.75, Darling’s Waterfront Pavilion, Bangor. FMI: 800-745-3000,
July 10, Wednesday, 7-8pm, New Renaissance Singers, community chorus somprised of singers from many different ages and occupations who join together with a love and enthusiasm for singing and performing, free, Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-947-8336,