Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12
June 5, 2013
Road Associations Important to Maine Lakefront Property Owners
Road Associations Important to Maine Lakefront Property Owners
June 6, 2013

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine June 6-12

“Cumberland Sho-N-Shine Car Show,” Cumberland

June 6-9, Thursday-Sunday, 7:30pm/Thursday-Saturday, 2pm/Sunday, “Duck and Cover,” the New York Theatre Company and Acorn Studio present this play by Michael Kimball about a family in 1962 suburbia that tries to maintain its innocence during the Cuban Missile Crisis and deal with the arrival of eccentric jazz trumpeter Uncle Bunny, Acorn Studio Theater, 90 Bridge Street, Westbrook. FMI: 207-854-0065, www.acorn-productions.org.
June 6, Thursday, 8pm, “A Little Classical Can’t Hurt,” classical variety show, featuring soprano Lisa Saffer, musical director pianist Sarah Bob, and hosted by owner Carol Noonan, $20, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dugway Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
June 7-9, Friday-Sunday, Maine Canoe Symposium, join us for a weekend dedicated to the breadth of canoesport, paddling and camping, featured Guest Speaker Peter Marshall. Peter will share a presentation of his 2012 canoe expedition in which he traversed 2600 miles above the 60th parallel, from the Pacific O, call to register, Camp Winona, Hio Road, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-3721, www.mainetoday.com.
June 7-9, Friday-Sunday, 7pm/Friday and Saturday, 2pm/Sunday, “How to Succeed in High School Without Really Trying,” and “Check, Please’!” plays by Jonathan Rand performed by local teens, $10, Schoolhouse Arts Center, 16 Richville Road, Standish. FMI: 207-642-3743, www.schoolhousearts.org.
June 8, Saturday, 7-11am, Plant and Bake Sale, perennials, groundcovers, flowering shrubs, annuals and bedding plants, Raymond Village Library, 3 Meadow Road, Raymond. FMI: 207-655-4283, www.raymondvillagelibrary.org.
June 8, Saturday, 11am-2pm, Learn about Lobsters, Learn about Lobsters on World Oceans Day with Captain Tom & crew from the Portland lobster boat Lucky Catch. See how that tasty treat gets from the bottom of the ocean to your dinner plate. Hear about lobster life, habitats & conservation efforts; learn about hard shells, shedders, short, culls & keepers; lots of live lobsters plus many other cool sea critters, Maine Wildlife Park, 54 Game Farm Road, Gray. FMI: 207-657-4977, www.luckycatch.com.
June 9, Sunday, 8am-3pm, Third Annual Sho-N-Shine Car Show, please bring a non-perishable product for area pantries, $5, free/12 and under, Cumberland Fairgrounds, Cumberland. FMI: www.cumberlandshonshine.com.

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