“Bird Walk,” HVNC, Jefferson
May 24, Friday, 7:30pm, Piano Series: Igor Lovchinsky, he astounds audiences with interpretations of works by his favorite composers engaging both seasoned and lay listeners, $16/adults, $14 seniors and students, Frano-America Heritage Center, 46 Cedar Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-783-1585, www.francocenter.org.
May 25, Saturday, 7:30-10:30am, Bird Walk, a bird walk with a focus on early nesters and migrants, bog, you’ll cover the bog, counting on breeding Canada Warblers, then head over to one or both ponds, to bird the edges, $5, Hidden Valley Nature Center, 131 Egypt Road, Jefferson. FMI: 207-200-8840, www.hvnc.org.
May 25, Saturday, 9am-1pm, Book, Plant and Bake Sale, mouthwatering baked goods, fiction and nonfiction for all ages and reading tastes, flowers, herbs and vegetable seedlings, also raffle prizes from local businesses and craftspeople, free to browse, Bridge Academy Public Library, 44 Middle Road, Fairfield. FMI: 207-737-8810, www.bapl.us.
May 25, Saturday, 9:30am, Live and Local at the Library, Ed Desjardins, free, Lithgow Public Library, Augusta. FMI: 207-626-2415, www.lithgow.lib.me.us.
May 25, Saturday, 9:30am-12pm, Celebrate Memorial Day in Auburn, parade starts at 9:30am from Kennedy Park in Lewiston, ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park in Lewiston featuring stone unveiling, entertainment, placing of wreaths, speeches, branches of the military songs, taps, prayer, etc, free, Veterans Memorial Park, Lewiston. FMI: 207-777-4759, www.auburnmaine.gov.
May 25, Saturday, 4:30pm-dusk, “Ride into Summer,” motorcycle and bicycle ride, pizza, contest, live music and fireworks, free, Gardiner Waterfront Park, Gardiner. FMI: 207-582-3100, www.gardinermainstreet.org.
May 26, Sunday, 6-9pm, Muddy Marsh Ramblers, yummy eats, home brewed beer, great atmosphere and bluegrass, all ages, no cover charge, The Liberal Cup Brewpub, 115 Water Street, Hallowell. FMI: 207-623-2739, www.theliberalcup.com.