“Honk!,” City Theatre, Biddeford
Nov. 29-Dec. 2-Thursday-Sunday, 10am-4pm, Christmas Prelude, house tours, music, parades, walking tours, tree lighting, with Maine Women in the Arts fine crafts, free to browse, various locations, Kennebunkport. FMI: 207-967-0857, www.christmasprelude.com.
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, Thursday-Saturday, 10am-7pm, Handmade on Main, custom furniture, textiles, greeting cards, glass, T-shirts, and fine art, free to browse, Engine, Biddeford Arts, 265 Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-229-3560, www.feedtheengine.org.
Nov. 30, Friday, 5-8pm, Downtown Holiday Festival, Santa, music and dance acts, pop-up stores, sleigh rides and more, free to browse, various locations, Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-284-8520 www.heartofbiddeford.org.
Nov. 30, Friday, 7:30pm, Jennifer Porter, jazz vocals with piano, accordion, bass, drums, sax and trumpet, $16-$18, Saco River Theatre, 29 Salmon Falls Road, Bar Mills. FMI: 207-929-5412, www.sacorivertheatre.org.
Nov. 30-Dec. 1, Friday and Saturday, 8pm, “Honk! The Ugly Duckling Musical,” comic family production, this utterly delicious new musical version of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fable pulls off the considerable trick of delighting children and winking wickedly at adults, $20, City Theater, 205 Main Street, Biddeford. FMI: 207-282-0849, www.citytheater.org.
Dec. 1, Saturday, 9am-1pm, Village Christmas Fair, greens, crafts, baked goods, candy, raffle, free to browse, Bar Mills Parish House, 88 Main Street, Buxton. FMI: 208-929-5531, www.maine.info.
Dec. 2, Sunday, 3pm, Community Chorus and South Berwick, “Gloria in Excelsis Deo,” with brass quintet and percussion, $10/advance, $10-$12/door, Marshwood High school, 260 Dow Highway, Wesley Kennedy Performing Arts Center, South Berwick. FMI: 207-868-7256, www.ccsb-sing.org.