“Maine Women’s Balkan Choir,” Ellsworth
May 17, Thursday, 6pm, “Queen of the Sun,” documentary about bees, local beekeeper Antje Roitzsch introduces the film, free, Rockland Public Library, 80 Union Street, Rockland. FMI: 207-594-0310, www.rocklandlibrary.org.
May 17, Thursday, 7:30pm, Raz de Maree, Quebec traditional, instrumental music, the group has evolved since 2004 primarily as a dance band, $15, Unity Centre for the Performing Arts, 42 Depot Street, Unity. FMI: 207-948-7469, www.unity.edu/uccpa.
May 18-20, Friday-Sunday, 10am-4pm, Camping Weekend, activities, demonstrations, clinics, family-fun activities, free, L.L. Bean Freeport, Main Street, Freeport. FMI: 207-755-2326, www.llbean.com/freeport.
May 18, Friday, 7:30pm, Maine Women’s Balkan Choir and friends, with special guest Elitsa Stoyneva, $8, includes food from Bulgaria, St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Routes 1 and 184, Ellsworth. FMI: 207-356-2505, www.mainebalkanimports.com.
May 19, Saturday, 7:30pm, Daponte String Quartet “Passions of Youth,” Beethoven, Tan Dun and Mendelssohn, $22/general, $18/seniors, free/under 21, Lincoln Theater, 2 Theater Street, Damariscotta. FMI: 207-563-3424, www.daponte.org.
May 19, Saturday, 8pm, Francine Reed, gospel, jazz, blues and R&B, Lyle Lovett’s duet and back-up singer, $15/advance, $20/door, Opera House at Boothbay Harbor, 86 Townsend Avenue, Boothbay Harbor. FMI: 207-633-5159, www.boothbayoperahouse.com.
May 20, Sunday, 4pm, Bay Chamber’s Odeon Allegro, Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, familiar classical and contemporary music, free, Rockport Opera House, 6 Central Street, Rockport. FMI: 207-236-2823, www.baychamberconcerts.org.