Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 22-28

Out and about for the Belgrade Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 22-28
December 21, 2011
Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 22-28
December 21, 2011

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 22-28

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Regions of Maine  Dec. 22-28
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Regions of Maine  Dec. 22-28

“Grandmother’s Chair,” Dee Burdick, Sanford Art Association

Dec 22, Thursday, 9am-4pm, “Wrap up the Wonder,” reception to be held 5-7pm, paintings displayed, free, Sanford Art Association, 917 Main Street, Sanford.  FMI: 207-490-0543, www.sanfordspringvaleart.org.


Dec. 22-24, Thursday-Saturday, Thurs. 12-4pm, Fri. 12-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm, Annual Festival of Trees, dozens of gorgeously decorated trees and wreaths based upon this year’s theme of ‘Let Heaven and Nature Sing,’ free, Saco Museum, 371 Main Street, Saco.  FMI:  207-283-3861, www.sacomuseum.org.


Dec. 22, Thursday, 10:00am-4:15pm, Christmas Movie Fest, kids and teens are invited to join in for a day of Christmas classics and popcorn, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,’ ‘Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas,’ ‘Prancer,’ ‘Gremlins,’ crafty make and take snacks during the last show, free, McArthur Public Library, 270 Main Street, Biddeford.  FMI:  207-284-4181, www.mcarthurpubliclibrary.org.


Dec. 22-24, Thursday-Saturday, Thurs. and Fri. 10-4:30pm, Sat. 10am-1pm, “Barry: The Art Exhibition,” Edith Cleaves Barry’s paintings, sculpture an pen-and-ink drawings, Brick Store Museum, 117 Main Street, Kennebunk.  FMI: 2207-985-4802, www.brickstoremuseum.org.


Dec. 22, Thursday, 7pm, “Scrooge,”  $10/advance, $13/door, Academy of Developing Artists of Maine, 432 Elm Street, Biddeford.  FMI:  207-502-0217, www.academyofdevelopingartists.com.


Dec. 23, Friday, 10am-2pm, “Courting the Muse,” a collection of watercolors by Ken Fellows, York Public Library, 15 Long Sands Road, York.  FMI:  207-363-2818, www.york.lib.me.us.


Dec. 24, Saturday, 7pm, “Musical: One Small Child,” consists of the narration of the Christmas Story along with songs from the choir and Praise Band, service closes out with a candle-lighting and singing of ‘Silent Night’, donation accepted, Ogunquit Baptist Church, Shore Road, Ogunquit.  FMI:  207-646-2160, www.ogunquitbaptistchurch.org.


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