Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 22-28

Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Regions of Maine  Dec. 22-28
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 22-28
December 21, 2011
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December 22, 2011

Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 22-28

“Creches from Around the World,” Pace Gallery, Fryeburg

Dec. 22, Thursday, 7:30pm, “The Author Series,” recorded at the Free Library of Philadelphia, Ken Burns discusses his film, “The National Parks:  America’s Best Idea,” which tells the story of the creation and evolution of the National Park System using archival photographs, first-person accounts, and some of the most breathtaking new images of our national parks ever captured on film, $10/adults, $7/seniors, $5/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, Fryeburg Academy, Bradley Street, Fryeburg.  FMI:  207-935-9232,www.fryeburgacademy.org.


Dec. 23, Friday, 9am-1pm, “The Creche Collection, beautiful display of unique crèches from around the world, Palmina F. and Stephen S. Pace Galleries of Art, Fryeburg Academy, Bradley Street, Fryeburg.  FMI:  207-935-9232,www.fryeburgacademy.org.


Dec. 23, Friday, 7pm, “A Christmas Carol,” benefit for LEA, festive telling of Charles Dickens’ classic, $5/adults, $1/children, Stevens Brook Elementary School, Bridgton.  FMI:  207-647-8580, www.mainelakeschamber.com.


Dec. 24, Saturday, 2-4pm, Horse Drawn Wagon Rides, sponsored by Mt. Abram Ski Resort, a great Christmas Eve Day activity for the whole family, rides through historic Bethel village, Town Common, Bethel.  FMI: 207-824-2282, www.bethelmaine.com.


Dec. 24, Saturday, 6pm, “The Great Day,” contemporary and traditional Christmas music, free, Greely Middle School, 351 Tuttle Road, Cumberland.  FMI:  www.whitepinechurch.org.


Dec. 27, Tuesday, 11:00am, “Phyzkidz,” featuring Dan Link, Iman Lizarazu and Karen Montanaro, $14, $10, Acorn Studios, Dana Warp Mill, 90 Bridges Street, Westbrook.  FMI: 207-854-0065,  www.phyzgig.org


Dec. 28, Wednesday, 7pm, “Ullr Fest,” evening event welcoming winter complete with “The Beating of the Drums,” ceremony, fireworks and torchlight parade, Shawnee Peak, 119 Mountain Road, Bridgton.  FMI:  207-647-8444,www.shawneepeak.com.


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