Out and about for the Belgrade Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 22-28

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December 18, 2011
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Out and about for the Belgrade Lakes Regions of Maine Dec. 22-28

“Got Utensils?” by Judy Nixon, Harlow Gallery, Hallowell


Dec. 22, Thursday, 4-7pm, “Santa at Kringleville,” pay a last minute visit to Santa at his Kringleville residence, show up well before closing time in order to ensure that you get in, free, downtown Waterville, Waterville.  FMI:  207-680-2055, www.kringleville.com.


Dec. 22, Thursday, 4-8pm, “Christmas Gift Wrapping,” fundraiser by Skowhegan Main Street and area Youth Volunteers, will help you with holiday finishing touches, they’ll do the wrapping and add a holiday bow, low per-package pricing or bulk pricing available, The Renaissance Building, Downtown Skowhegan Skowhegan.  FMI:  207-612-2571, www.skowheganchamber.com.


Dec. 22-23, Thursday-Friday, 7pm, “A Christmas Story,” presented by Penobscot Theatre, humorist Jean Shepherd’s memoir of growing up in the Midwest in the 1940s follows 9-year-old Ralphie Parker in his quest to get a genuine Red Ryder BB gun under the tree for Christmas, $35, $20, Penobscot Theatre, Bangor Opera House, 131 Main Street, Bangor.  FMI:  207-942-3333, www.penobscottheatre.org.


Dec. 22, Thursday, 7pm, “Home for the Holidays,” concert by Franklin County Fiddlers, potluck supper at 5:30pm, $15, Skye Theatre, Performing Arts Center, Winter Hill Road, South Carthage.  FMI:  207-562-4445,www.franklincountyfiddlers.com.


Dec. 23, Friday, 9pm, “Holiday Jazz,” Aurora Jazz Project’s front-line of Colin Graebert on piano and Mark Tasker on trumpet/flugelhorn for an evening of jazz fit for any season, Charles Inn, 20 Broad Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-992-2820, www.thecharlesinn.com.


Dec. 24, Saturday, 12-6pm, “Holiday Art Show and Sale,” by Kennebec Valley Art Association, original art work by KVAA member artists can be purchased,free to browse, Harlow Gallery, 160 Water Street, Hallowell.  FMI:  207-622-3813, www.harlowgallery.org.


Dec. 28, Wednesday, 1-3pm, “Over the Hedge,” free family movie with popcorn and juice, parents must remain with children, free, Auburn Public Library, 49 Spring Street, Auburn.  FMI:  207-333-7740, www.auburn.lib.me.us.



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