Make a Pumpkin Pie, New Gloucester
Oct. 6, Thursday, 2pm and 7pm, The National Theatre Presents: The Kitchen, Arnold Wesker’s extraordinary play premiered at the Royal Court in 1959 and has since been performed in over 30 countries. The kitchen puts the workplace centre stage in a blackly funny and furious examination of life lived at breakneck speed, when work threatens to define who we are, $18/adults, $15/seniors, $10/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org.
Oct. 7, Friday, 8am-8pm, Time Immortal: Recent Works by Virginia Valdes, opening reception, meet and greet the artist 5-8pm, live jazz keyboard by Mike Maurice, light refreshments, free, Frost Farm Gallery, 272 Pikes Hill, Norway. FMI: 207-743-8041, www.frostfarmgallery.com.
Oct. 7, Friday, 8pm, doors open at 6pm, Peter Wolf, this legendary rocker’s latest album “Midnight Souvenirs” is one of the best albums I have heard in a long time. His solo show backed by some of the best session musicians the East Coast has to offer, $45, see ‘by the ways,’ Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
Oct. 8, Saturday, see site for times, Fall Festival, celebrate the end of summer with live music, a wine tasting, fashion show, craft fair, North American Wife Carrying Championship, trail race and many other activities, Sunday River, 15 South Ridge Road, Newry. FMI: 207-824-3000, www.sundayriver.com.
Oct. 8, Saturday, 9-10:30am, Fall Stroll at Mayberry Hill Preserve, enjoy fall foliage on an easy walk through Mayberry Hill Preserve, walkers should bring sturdy shoes, water and snacks, meet at the trail head, free, Mayberry Hill Road, Casco. FMI: 207-647-4352, www.mainelakeschamber.com.
Oct. 8, Saturday, 10am-1pm, Learn to Make a Pumpkin Pie, learn the secret to making delicious pumpkin pie with flaky crust from the master, Debbie Thurlow of Debbie’s pies, perfectly time class that will prepare you to be the star of the coming holiday season, includes lunch, recipe and a pie to take home, $45, Pineland Farms, 15 Farm View Drive, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-688-4539, www.pinelandfarms.org.
Oct. 8, Saturday, 10am-12:30pm or 1:30pm-4pm, Nature Hike, a guided tour of Shaker fields, forests, Loon’s Point on Sabbathday Lake and the footbridge over Aurelia’s Cascade. The guide is Carol Beyna, a trained naturalist with vast knowledge of the flora and fauna that are at Shaker Village, $5/adults, $2/children, free/6 and under, Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, 707 Shaker Road, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-926-4597, www.shaker.lib.me.us.
Out and About for the York/Sanford Lakes Regions of Maine Oct. 6-12
October 5, 2011Splendid Isolation Found on Barker Pond in Hiram and Sebago, Maine
October 6, 2011Out and About for the Sebago Lakes Regions of Maine Oct. 6-12
Make a Pumpkin Pie, New Gloucester
Oct. 6, Thursday, 2pm and 7pm, The National Theatre Presents: The Kitchen, Arnold Wesker’s extraordinary play premiered at the Royal Court in 1959 and has since been performed in over 30 countries. The kitchen puts the workplace centre stage in a blackly funny and furious examination of life lived at breakneck speed, when work threatens to define who we are, $18/adults, $15/seniors, $10/students, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, www.fryeburgacademy.org.
Oct. 7, Friday, 8am-8pm, Time Immortal: Recent Works by Virginia Valdes, opening reception, meet and greet the artist 5-8pm, live jazz keyboard by Mike Maurice, light refreshments, free, Frost Farm Gallery, 272 Pikes Hill, Norway. FMI: 207-743-8041, www.frostfarmgallery.com.
Oct. 7, Friday, 8pm, doors open at 6pm, Peter Wolf, this legendary rocker’s latest album “Midnight Souvenirs” is one of the best albums I have heard in a long time. His solo show backed by some of the best session musicians the East Coast has to offer, $45, see ‘by the ways,’ Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292, www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
Oct. 8, Saturday, see site for times, Fall Festival, celebrate the end of summer with live music, a wine tasting, fashion show, craft fair, North American Wife Carrying Championship, trail race and many other activities, Sunday River, 15 South Ridge Road, Newry. FMI: 207-824-3000, www.sundayriver.com.
Oct. 8, Saturday, 9-10:30am, Fall Stroll at Mayberry Hill Preserve, enjoy fall foliage on an easy walk through Mayberry Hill Preserve, walkers should bring sturdy shoes, water and snacks, meet at the trail head, free, Mayberry Hill Road, Casco. FMI: 207-647-4352, www.mainelakeschamber.com.
Oct. 8, Saturday, 10am-1pm, Learn to Make a Pumpkin Pie, learn the secret to making delicious pumpkin pie with flaky crust from the master, Debbie Thurlow of Debbie’s pies, perfectly time class that will prepare you to be the star of the coming holiday season, includes lunch, recipe and a pie to take home, $45, Pineland Farms, 15 Farm View Drive, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-688-4539, www.pinelandfarms.org.
Oct. 8, Saturday, 10am-12:30pm or 1:30pm-4pm, Nature Hike, a guided tour of Shaker fields, forests, Loon’s Point on Sabbathday Lake and the footbridge over Aurelia’s Cascade. The guide is Carol Beyna, a trained naturalist with vast knowledge of the flora and fauna that are at Shaker Village, $5/adults, $2/children, free/6 and under, Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, 707 Shaker Road, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-926-4597, www.shaker.lib.me.us.
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