Sunset over Keoka Lake in Waterford
Lakefront property owners find getting acquainted with some of the hiking trails in the Sebago Lakes Region is the perfect way to discover why this is the ideal place to live or vacation. And you don’t have to be an experienced hiker to enjoy any of this. We’ve compiled a list of five of our favorite trails in the western Maine lakes and mountains region.
Lakefront Properties For Sale in Waterford, Maine
Pleasant Mountain: Bridgton, Denmark and Fryeburg
Four trails ascend Pleasant Mountain. The Ledges and Bald Peak Trails are located on Mountain Road, the Southwest Ridge Trail is on West Denmark Road, and the Fire Wardens Trail is on Wilton Warren Road. The Ledges and Southwest Ridge Trails offer scenic outlooks of Moose Pond. To hike the entire length of the mountain, plan on at least five hours. From the summit by the fire tower enjoy views of the White Mountains and Fryeburg. A side trail off the Bald Peak Trail leads to Needles Eye–worth a visit on a hot summer day. All trails are well-marked thanks to the efforts of
Loon Echo Land Trust: Kiosks at trailheads provide information and maps.
Degree of difficulty: moderate
Mt. Ti’rem: Waterford
The Daniel Brown Trail, named for a prominent citizen of the 1800s, is on Plummer Hill Road, just up the road from
historic Waterford Flats and Keoka Lake. It takes less than an hour to reach the summit. A ledge at the top provides a perfect vantage point to view Bear Pond and the surrounding mountains, including Bear and Pleasant Mountains. Kids will enjoy exploring the “caves” tucked a tad into the woods behind the ledges at the summit. Degree of difficulty: easy/moderate
Heald and Bradley Pond Reserve: Lovell
At the parking area on Slab City Road, a kiosk provides information about the various trails in this well-maintained 800+ acre preserve. Three hills in the preserve—Whiting at 801 feet, Flat at 891 feet and Amos Mountain at 955 feet—are all easy to climb and offer views of Kezar Lake and the White Mountains. A side trail leads to Otter Point on Heald Pond. Throughout the year, the
Greater Lovell Land Trust offers guided walks. Degree of difficulty: easy
Holt Pond Nature Preserve: Bridgton, Naples
Located on Grist Mill Road, the Holt Pond Nature Preserve offers an easy hike with several options. Trails, maintained by the
Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) are well-marked. If you have a few hours and are prepared with a snack and water, plus other hiking essentials, you might want to follow the trail that encircles the pond. Beaver dams, a quaking bog, pitcher plants and other orchids await you. Guided walks are offered by LEA throughout the year. Degree of difficulty: Easy
Pondicherry Park: Bridgton
A gem in downtown Bridgton is Pondicherry Park. Over sixty acres have been preserved in recent years for folks to enjoy. Access is from the Bob Dunning Memorial Bridge behind Renys Department Store or the boardwalk across from Bridgton Hospital. Stevens and Willet Brooks, Kneeland spring, stone walls, signs of wildlife and more await you. Both Loon Echo Land Trust and LEA offer guided walks here throughout the year.
A trail leading from the bridge and meandering beside the brooks is handicap accessible. Degree of difficulty: easy
After you’ve settled into your lakefront property, we hope you’ll
take the time to discover what nature has to offer in the Lakes Regions of Maine. Check out all the
current lakefront property listings in Waterford by clicking on the green box above.