Fireworks at Maranacook Lake
June 30, Thursday, 6:30pm, Poetry and Music, rocker and poet Dave Morrison and acoustic musicians Anna and Dave Patterson perform for the grand finale of the Poetry and Music Series, free, Lithgow Library, 45 Winthrop Street, Augusta. FMI: 207-626-2415, http://www.lithgow.lib.me.us/.
June 30-July 2, Thursday – Saturday, 8:00pm, “Heaven Help Me,” the three Holloway brothers have a real problem, their string of casual restaurants is failing, the youngest, black-sheep brother owes money to bookies, and the fourth, deceased brother is haunting the beach house they need to sell to recapitalize the business, $19.50/advance, $21.50/at the door, Lakewood theater, 76 Theater Road, Madison. FMI: 207-474-7176, http://www.lakewoodtheater.org/. July 2, Saturday, 9:00am, Paddle “the Jungle,” meet at Long Pond Public boat launch with canoe or kayak, sign-up and get details at BRCA, Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance, 171 Main Street, Belgrade. FMI: 207-495-6039, http://www.belgradelakes.org/. July 2, Saturday, 8:00pm, “Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington,” written by Maine playwright Linda Britt, this original play is an intimate look at the life and times of Margaret Chase Smith, $14/adults, $12/seniors, $8/students and kids, Celebration Barn, 190 Stock Farm Road, South Paris. FMI: 207-743-8452, http://www.celebrationbarn.com/. July 4, Monday, 5:00pm, The Machine, a tribute to Pink Floyd with the Roger Waters Laser Lightshow, the Giant Bangor Kiwanis Fireworks display and special guests all day, $15/sections 2+3, $5/lawn, Bangor Waterfront Pavillion, 1 Railroad Street, Bangor. FMI: 207-783-2009, http://waterfrontconcerts.com/.
July 4, Monday, 9:00pm, Fireworks, a dazzling display at the picturesque Norcross Point at the southern end of Maranacook Lake, free, Winthrop. FMI: 207-377-7200, http://www.winthropmaine.org/. July 6, Wednesday, 12-1:00pm, Brownbag Series, musician Neil James, 1st violin at the Androscoggin College Orchestra, accomplished in a variety of instruments and styles from finger-style jazz guitar to renaissance lute, bring your own lunch or order at the Library Café, free, Auburn Public Library, 49 Spring Street, Auburn. FMI: 207-333-6640, http://www.auburnpubliclibrary.org/.