Carousel Rides at Willowbrook Museum, Newfield
June 23, Thursday, 12-4:00pm, “Voyages and the Great Age of Sail,” artifacts related to 19th century Saco sea captain Tristiam Jordan; also “Point of Departure,” works by Saco artist Diane Bowie Zaitlin, free, Saco Museum, 371 Main Street, Saco. FMI: 207-283-3861, http://www.dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org/. June 23, Thursday, 8:00pm, Bob Marley, comedian whose brand of high energy and off beat observation of everyday life things has captured the minds of fans of all ages, $25/advance, $28/day of show, Jonathan’s Restaurant, 92 Bourne Lane, Ogunquit. FMI: 207-646-4777, http://jonathansrestaurant.com/#13088358726561&true. June 25, Saturday, 10:30am-3:00pm, Carousel Rides at Willowbrook, take the ride of a lifetime on Willowbrook’s fully restored and functional 1894 Armitage Herschell carousel, must be 10 years of age and feet must reach stirrups to ride alone, free/with cost of admission to museum, $3/just to ride, Willowbrook Village, 70 Elm Street, Newfield. FMI: 207-793-2784, http://willowbrookmuseum.org/. June 25, Saturday, Sidewalk Arts Festival, annual cultural extravaganza, visual arts, performing arts, crafts, people and sculptors, Main Street and Pepperell Square, Saco. FMI: 207-286-3546, http://www.sacospirit.com/. June 25-26, Saturday-Sunday, La Kermesse Franco-Americaine Festival, annual 3-day event celebrating diversity in the two communities, parade, rides, music and dancing. Maine and West Streets, Biddeford. FMI: 207-282-2894, http://www.biddefordsacochamber.org/. June 25, Saturday, 7:00pm, Taylor’s Grove, American roots music song by a duo who perform together in the spirit of simple old-fashioned American music, featuring guitar, mandolin, banjo and harmony singing, Sanford-Springvale Historical Society, 505 Main Street, Springvale. FMI: 207-490-1028, http://www.sanfordhistory.org/. June 26, Sunday, 10:00am-4:00pm, Antique Show and Sale, 60 exhibitors from New England and Tennessee offer their quality antiques, a wide-range available to meet all interests, held rain or shine, Wells Reserve, Laudholm Farm Road, Wells. FMI: 800-641-6908, http://www.visitmaine.com/.