Book Signing of ‘Libby’s Loons’, Belgrade
June 9-12, Thursday – Sunday, 8:00pm/Thursday-Saturday, 4:00pm/Sunday, “Up the Downstair Case,” author Bel Kaufmann immortalizes the fear and frustration, angst and aspiration, heartache and headache of high school that knows no decade or generation, $19.50/advance adult, $21.50/at the door adult, Lakewood Theater, 76 Theatre Road, Skowhegan. FMI: 207-474-7176,
June 10-12, Friday-Sunday, 2:00pm and 7:00pm, “Picasso at the Lapin Agile,” two of the most influential figures of the early 20th Century, Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, meeet in a bar, each on the brink of a ground-breaking achievement. Their discussions are both hilarious and thought provoking as they examine their ideas of Genius and Talent, $12/adults, $10/seniors and youth, Waterville Opera House, 93 Main Street, Waterville. FMI: 207-873-7000,
June 11, Saturday, 7:00am, BRCA Summer Program: Birding Tour, Don Mairs will be leading a birdwatching expedition at a nearby location, donations welcome, Belgrade Lakes Watershed, Belgrade. FMI: 207-495-6039,
June 11, Saturday, 11:00am, BRCA Visiting Author and Book Signing of Libby’s Loons, Nancy Prince talks about her book based on watching the extraordinary pair of birds and their brand new baby from her kayak, young readers will learn about these remarkable waterfowl and discover the inspiration to advocate for animals they love, free, Belgrade Community Center for All Seasons, 1 Center Drive, Belgrade. FMI: 207-495-6039,
June 11, Saturday, 1:30pm, Annual Iris Show, presented by the Maine Iris Society, come and enjoy the flowers, free, Auburn Middle School, 38 Falcon Drive, Auburn. FMI:,
June 11, Saturday, 7:00pm, Bertie Koller-Singer/Songwriter, Guitarist, Bertie Koller performs a concert of folk and blues guitar and vocals, $10, Johnson Hall, 280 Water Street, Gardiner. FMI: 207-582-7144,
June 12, Sunday, 3:00pm, Cornerstone, performs at a benefit to support the “pilgrims” from Lewiston and Pittsfield who will be attending World Youth Day in Madrid Spain, the group offers Chirstian music as well as songs that inspire, a spaghetti dinner will be held at 5:00pm, $8/adults, $4/junior high and high school students, free/elementary students, $5/dinner, free/12 and under, Franco American Heritage Center, 46 Cedar Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207-783-1585,