“The MOMologues,” Standish
May 6, Friday, 9:00am, Wildflower Walk, Ursula Duve will lead participants to locations of spring blooming wildflowers, $5, location to be determined, call for details, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-8580 ext. 12, http://www.mainelakeschamber.com.
May 6-8, Friday –Sunday, 7:30pm Friday and Saturday, 2:00pm Sunday, “The MOMologues,” four separate characters tell their individual stories about motherhood, $14/adults, $12/students and seniors, Schoolhouse Arts Center, 16 Richville Road, Standish. FMI: 207-642-3743, http://www.schoolhousearts.org.
May 6, Friday, 7:30pm, “A Celebration of the Music of Liszt 200 Years After His Birth,” Anastasia Antonacos performs a wide variety of Liszt originals, solo piano, $15/general public, $10/seniors, $5/students, Corthell Hall, 37 College Avenue, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5646, http://www.usm.maine.edu/music/events/.
May 7, Saturday, 10:00am-12:00pm, Annual Children’s Hands on Art Festival, arts and craft projects to make and take home in time for Mother’s Day, music by Highland Strings Trio, model train exhibit, free, Stevens Brook Elementary School, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-3116, http://www.mainelakeschamber.com.
May 7, Saturday, events begin at 6:00pm, Palette – A Silent and Live Auction Fundraiser, a variety of delicious appetizers and a decadent chocolate fountain, sample The Good Life Market’s best wines and bid on amazing live and silent auction items, live band and dancing, $20/advance, $25/at the door, Fiddlehead Art and Science Center, 25 Shaker Road, Gray. FMI: 207-647-2244, http://www.sebagolakeschamber.com.
May 8, Sunday, 9:30am-3:30pm, A Mother of a Craft Fair, bring mom to shop for her own gift from some of New England’s finest artisans, massages, tarot card readings, horse and buggy rides, tasty offerings from the Stone Mountain Kitchen and Bar, Stone Mountain Arts Center, 695 Dug Way Road, Brownfield. FMI: 207-935-7292,http://www.stonemountainartscenter.com.
May 11, Wednesday, 6-7:30pm, Opera Appreciation Workshop, an inside look at the upcoming Metropolitan Opera’s Die Walkure, free, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, Bradley Street, Fryeburg. FMI: 207-935-9232, http://www.fryeburgacademy.org.