“ARTiculation: Slam Poetry” in Bethel
April 28, Thursday, 3:00-6:00pm, Wine Tasting, join us for a tasting of wines that are perfect for spring celebrations and the start of warm weather, free, Pineland Farms, 15 Farm View Drive, New Gloucester. FMI: 207-688-4539, http://www.pinelandfarms.org.
April 28, Thursday, 7:30pm, USM Jazz Ensembles, an evening of modern and classical jazz presented by the USM Jazz Ensemble and the Lab Jazz Ensemble, $6/general public, $3/seniors, students and children, Corthell Hall, 37 College Street, Gorham. FMI: 207-780-5555, http://www.usm.maine.edu/music/events/.
April 29, Friday, 10:00am, Vernal Pool Exploration, educator Mary Jewett will explore local vernal pools, $5, Lakes Environmental Association, 230 Main Street, Bridgton. FMI: 207-647-8580, http://www.mainelakeschamber.com.
April 29, 7:00pm, ARTiculation: Slam Poetry, a Boston based poetry-slamming group that bases their poetry on the urban lifestlye, taking advantage of interactive theater, $10/$6, Bingham Auditorium, 45 Church Street, Bethel. FMI: 207-824-3575, http://www.bethelmaine.com.
April 29-May 1, Friday – Sunday, 7:00pm Friday, 4:00pm and 7:00pm Saturday, 2:00pm Sunday, Godspell Junior, a groundbreaking and unique reflection on the life of Jesus, with a message of kindness, tolerance, and love, $10/adults, $8/students, $5/children under 5, Sebago Schoolhouse, Route 114, Standish. FMI: 207-642-3743,http://www.schoolhousearts.org.
April 30, Saturday, 10:00am-12:00pm, Family Bookmaking Workshop, Barbara Anderson will be leading family members of all ages through the steps of making their very own book, supplies will be provided, free, pre-registration required, Hobbs Library, 227 Main Street, Lovell. FMI: 207-925-3177, http://www.hobbslibrary.org.
April 30, Saturday, 7-10:00pm, Contra Dance, dance to benefit the Western Foothills Land Trust, a series of 4 dances to be held on the fifth Saturday, come to one or all, $10, Norway Grange, Whitman Street, Norway. FMI: 207-388-2919, http://www.norwaydowntown.org.