Camp Micah sits on Peabody Pond in Bridgton
With 2000 feet of waterfront on Peabody Pond, Camp Micah sits perched between Bald Pate and Accomac Mountain. This Jewish coed summer camp offers an 8-week full session, two 4-week half sessions and one 2-week option, which is for first year campers only.
Campers range in age from 7-17. They bunk in small cabins with bathroom facilities including showers. Two or three counselors also live in each cabin. Over the course of a summer, about 150 campers are in residence at one time.
A traditional camp schedule begins with flag raising each morning and ends with an evening activity. Though there are activity periods and free time built into each day, surprises also occur. Campers enjoy sports, water activities, arts, hiking, team building activities and more. A camp radio station only broadcasts for a mile or so around camp, but the kids love it.
Built in 2001 on the site of two former camps, Camp Micah’s philosophy is based on Jewish traditions, rituals and culture. Campers are encouraged to help and respect each other. Mark Lipof, Camp Director and Co-Owner, says that weekly social action opportunities help campers “realize they are very fortunate to be at camp. It’s their responsibility as Jewish kids and Americans to give back.”
Each camper is encouraged to take on a cause. Some visit the Bridgton Health Care Center, where they play games and sing with the residents. Others might help sew Linus blankets for Children’s Hospital. This past year all campers came to camp with a hat to represent their home area, e.g. Red Sox for Boston. The hats were donated to a hospital where Camper Max was undergoing chemotherapy treatments for leukemia. On Shabbat or Saturday mornings, time is devoted to social action plans. Mark says, “It’s imbedded in our camp culture. It’s who we need to be.” Recently the Bridgton News published a letter to the editor from the Community Kettle Coordinator, Elaine Lemieux, thanking Camp Micah, “which donated the proceeds from the campers’ handmade soup bowl sale to the Community Kettle for the past three years. We are truly grateful for the diligent and sacrificial work on the part of the campers and support staff and parents.” Community Kettle is a free dinner program for local residents.
Returning campers who have completed tenth grade have the option of a 5 1/2 week excursion to Israel. They fly from Boston to Poland where they learn more about the Holocaust at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum and gain an understanding of why Israel was founded. From there they journey to Israel where they spend 4 1/2 weeks touring and gaining a better understanding. This trip to connect with their Jewish heritage is a life-changing experience. Mark says, “It’s a more powerful experience when you do it with your camp friends–kids you’ve spent the last 7 or 8 summers with.”
At the end of the summer, after the residential campers have returned home, Camp Micah offers a one week camp for inner city boys and girls from the Dorchester Boys and Girls Club. Kids are selected to attend Camp Northbound and receive scholarships from the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation. At the end of that week, any left-over dry goods are loaded onto buses and shipped back to Dorchester to be used at the Club. A portion of the leftovers are also donated to the Portland Food Pantry.
Mark’s parting comments are, “Over time we’ll continue to improve. It’s pretty nice. And we’re happy to continue to be a strong supporter of local businesses.” From the beginning, Camp Micah used the resources of local people. It is part of the economy of the Lakes Region area.
The 735-acre Peabody Pond on which Camp Micah sits is more secluded than most. If you prefer a quiet setting not far from Bridgton, and less than an hour from Portland, consider looking at lakefront property here.