“The Soiree” to be performed by Amanda Huotari at Oddfellow Theater
April 29, 6:30 p.m. Poetry and Music, featuring local poets Ted and Ruth Bookey and the vocal quartet reVerse, free, Reading Room, Lithgow Public Library, 45 Winthrop Street, Augusta. FMI: 207.626.2415, www.lithgow.lib.me.us.
April 30, 8 p.m. Alternative Contradance, traditional dancing to great modern bands, no experience needed, all dances taught and called, beginners workshop at 7:30 p.m., $8/adults, $5/students, Chase hall Lounge, 280 College Street, Bates College, Lewiston. FMI: www.bates.edu.
May 1, 7 p.m. Capital Strings, featuring music by Vivaldi and Grieg, reception to follow, benefits Pineland Suzuki School and church, South Parish Congregational Church, 9 Church Street, Augusta. FMI: 207.622.0552, www.southparish.net.
May 1 7:30 p.m. “Seize the Mic” Finals, 12 remarkably talented individuals have emerged as “Seize the Mic 2010” finalists and will compete for cash prizes, $8/adults, $6/seniors & youth, Waterville Opera House, 1 Common Street, Waterville. FMI: 207.873.7000, www.operahouse.com.
May 1, 7:30 p.m. “The Soiree,” written and performed by Amanda Huotari and directed by Avner Eisenberg (Broadway’s Avner the Eccentric), $8/person, Oddfellow Theater, 17 Turner Street, Buckfield. FMI: 207.336.3306, www.oddfellow.com.
May 2, 10 a.m. PanNE Steelband Festival 2010, steel drummers from all over New England will perform on the lawn in front of the Sugarloaf Inn, free, sponsored by the Western Mountain Trash Can Band, Sugarloaf Inn, Main Street, Kingfield, FMI: www.sugarloaf.com.
May 4, 7-10 p.m. Celtic Tuesdays with Small Falls Festival from Prince Edward Island, featuring Richard Wood, Gordon Belcher and Ward MacDonald, $12/adults & seniors, $5/ages 11 and under, Franco-American Heritage Center, 46 Cedar Street, Lewiston. FMI: 207.689.2000, www.francoamericanheritage.org.