Reflection of surrounding hills on Worthley Pond
Sparkling clear water defines Worthley Pond in Peru, Maine. Surrounded by a ring of hills in the Western Maine Lakes and Mountains Region, Worthley Pond is one of the cleanest and clearest lakes in Maine.
This sandy-bottomed pond covers 350 acres with a circumference of approximately five miles. The maximum depth is 49 feet in this hour-glass shaped pond, which has two separate basins connected by a narrow section of water.
For the past 18 years Bruce and Sharon Eastman have conducted water quality tests, which they submit to the Maine DEP. The water quality of Worthley Pond is above average. Tom Placey, president of the Worthley Pond Association (WPA) writes in their newsletter, “We have had the pond tested once a year, but it has been recommended to test the pond twice a year, which we feel should be done to protect the pond.”
Located 45 minutes from Bethel, 30 minutes from the New Hampshire border and 3 hours from Boston, Worthley Pond offers a
4-season vacation spot. The pond itself is perfect for sailing, waterskiing, fishing and kayaking. Some of the surrounding hills, including Tumbledown Dick, The Pinnacle, Poland Mountain, Allen Hill, Trask Mountain, Browns Mountain and Thompson Mountain, offer trails for hiking and snowmobiling. Downhill and cross-country skiing opportunities are nearby.
Over the years the
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife manages Worthley Pond for both warm and cold water fishing. They annually stock it for brown and brook trout. A few years ago Rainbow trout were introduced and have thrived. Most anglers access the pond via the dirt access off Route 122, east of the outlet culvert.
The WPA works to protect and preserve the beauty and health of the pond. The Association participates in the
LakeSmart program, and offers a buffer program to lakefront property owners to plant and establish plants near the shoreline of their lots to capture phosphorus before it enters the water. This is a matching grant up to $150. They also monitor for invasive plants and are happy to note that to date there is
no milfoil in Worthley Pond.
Tim Placey says, “Environmentally, we have a lot to think about in keeping Worthley Pond safe, but we should never forget the first three rules of life. The first is have fun, the second, have fun and the third, have fun.” The WPA hosts several events in this spirit throughout the summer including a Welcome Back Social, Annual Meeting, Around the Pond Yard Sale, Christmas in July, Golf Outing and Ice Cream Social. Here’s hoping that you will
have fun at your lakefront home on Worthley Pond.