The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine

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The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine

The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine
The Romance of the Covered Bridge Found at Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine

Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg is Maine’s Oldest Remaining Covered Bridge

photo and text by Leigh Macmillen Hayes

If you own lakefront property in the Sebago Lakes Region, then you are probably familiar with Hemlock Bridge in Fryeburg, Maine, a covered bridge. Spanning the old course of the Saco River near Kezar Pond, the bridge is a quaint relic of the past.

I first saw this bridge years ago, when I canoed up the old course of the Saco with friends. It’s a woodworking masterpiece and a symbol of the pioneering spirit of the 19th century.

Lakefront Properties For Sale in Fryeburg, Maine

Built in 1857 of Paddleford truss construction with supporting laminated wooden arches, Hemlock Bridge is one of the few remaining covered bridges still in its original position.
Peter Paddleford of Littleton, New Hampshire created this design by replacing the counter braces of the Long-style truss bridge, creating an unusually strong and rigid structure.
Though reinforced in 1988 so you can still drive across, it’s more fun to walk. Take time to admire the work of our forefathers, peer at the river and read the carved messages on Maine’s oldest remaining covered bridge.
It was designated as a Maine Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers on January 17, 2002.
Originally there were 120 covered bridges which spanned rivers throughout Maine. Covers or houses were constructed atop the bridges to protect the wooden structure from the climate. They were also places where travelers and animals could seek refuge from a storm, or lovers could sneak a kiss. Six of the remaining nine in Maine are located in the Lakes and Mountains Region.
While viewing lakefront properties on Kimball Lake, Lovewell, Kezar and Bog Ponds in Fryeburg, you might take a drive down Memory Lane to Hemlock Bridge on Hemlock Bridge Road. You can also reach Hemlock Bridge from Route 5 via Frog Alley in Fryeburg. At the end of the pavement, bear left and follow the dirt road, which parallels the river.
These are the other covered bridges in our area:
Babb’s Bridge—South Windham, spans Presumpscot River
Bennett Bridge—Lincoln Plantation, spans Magalloway River
Lovejoy Bridge—Andover, spans Ellis River
Parsonsfield-Porter Bridge—Parsonsfield and Porter, spans Ossipee River
Sunday River Bridge—Newry, spans Sunday River
If you’re interested in taking a look at lakefront property in Fryeburg currently for sale, click on the green box above.
To learn more about other historic features in Maine, clink on the links below:
The Glorious Ruins of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine
Fabled Ski Runs Dot the Landscape in the Sebago Lakes Region of Maine

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