July 23-25, Casco Days, sponsored by the Casco Fire Association; a full weekend of activities and events held at Casco Days Park in Casco Village. FMI: www.cascodays.org
July 23, 2 & 4 p.m., Tomato Plant Girl, “a play about friendship and holding one’s own,” $8, reservations recommended, Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine, 142 Free Street, Portland; FMI: 207.828.1234 or www.childrensmuseumofme.org
July 23, 8 p.m., Mommas’ Night Out, America’s Funniest Mom, $20, Deertrees Theatre and Cultural Arts Center, 162 Deertrees Road, Harrison; FMI: 207.583.6747 or www.deertreestheatre.org
July 24-25, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Gigantic Church Yard Sale, First Congregational Church, UCC, 33 South High Street, Bridgton: FMI: 207.647.3936 or www.firstucc1794.com
July 24, 8 p.m., The Early Evening Show with Funny Man Mike Miclon, “a zany mix of the likes of Letterman and classic Carson,” $20 admission, dinner reservations still available and not included in ticket price, Stone Mountain Arts Center, Dugway Road, Brownfield, FMI: 866.227.6523 or www.stonemountainartscenter.com
July 25, 11 a.m., Historic Bethel Hill: A guided one-hour walking tour of the historic village green, meet at the bell tower on the north end of the common; free, but donations accepted; FMI: 207.824.2908 or www.bethelmaine.com
July 25, 1-4 p.m., Lewiston Root Cellar’s Annual Chili Cook-Off, “featuring live music, children’s games and award-winning chili, Pierce Street Park behind 89 Birch Street, Lewiston; FMI: 207.782.3659 or www.therootcellar.org
July 25, 2-9 p.m., Annual Greater Portland Festival of Nations Family-Oriented International Festival, “ethnic musicians, dancers and performers,” Deering Oaks Park, Portland, free; FMI: www.wini.us/festival.htm
July 26, after noon, Maine Farm Day at Shaker Village, barn tours, livestock viewing, museum tours and narrated wagon rides, Shaker Store open, Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, 707 Shaker Road, New Gloucester, FMI: 207.926.4597 or www.shaker.lib.me.us
July 27, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Hillsmen Barbershop Chorus, Norway-South Paris Chapter of the SPEBSQSA, St. Catherine’s Catholic Church, 32 Paris Street, Norway; FMI: Dr. Tere Porter—evenings at 207.743.0656, Pat Fleck at 207.647.5005 or www.nedistrict.org/hillsmen/Hillsmensing.htm
July 28, 7-8:30 p.m., Royal River Philharmonic Jazz Band, New Orleans Dixieland music, Saco River Festival Association, Cornish Elementary School, School Street, Cornish; FMI: www.sacoriverfestival.org
July 28, 7:30 p.m., Sebago-Long Lake Music Festival, “Go with the Winds,” $20/students free, Deertrees Theatre and Cultural Arts Center, 162 Deertrees Road, Harrison; FMI: 207.583.6747 or www.deertreestheatre.org , www.sebagomusicfestival.org
July 29, noon-1 p.m. Brown Bag Lunch Series, featuring Tom McLaughlin, teacher at Molly Ockett Middle School and controversial weekly columnist for The Bridgton News, meeting room of Bridgton Municipal Building, corner of Iredale and Chase Streets; FMI: 207.647.2472 or www.bridgton.lib.me.us/