If you live in the Boston area, or points south, and are a weekend vacationer or daytripper to the southern Maine lakes region, or just have an affinity for a good clean water body and a modest camp, you really need to check out both Kennebunk Pond and Swan Pond in Lyman.
Why? Two major reasons
– water quality and proximity to Boston.
First off, the water quality in both of these small ponds is
rated very good for clarity, color, and the possibility of algae blooms. The people who already own on these ponds are
good stewards and it shows.
Secondly, both of these small bodies of water are
less than 100 miles from Boston, lying about 15 minutes west of the Biddeford/Saco Turnpike exit. How easy is that?!
The downside? Well,
if size really matters to you, i.e. bigger is better, then these two ponds will probably not suffice. At 199 acres, Kennebunk Pond is great for smaller motor boats, swimming, and fishing, but water skiers and wakeboarders will soon be bored from tooling around in the same circle again and again. The same for Swan Pond at 132 acres.
However, if power boating is not your thing, then these two ponds might be
just what you’re looking for. To learn more about the current lakefront property listings on these two gems, just click on the green box above.