I got a call from my brother who asked me how the market is for lakefront property. I told him that selection was great, interest rates were at 5% heading even lower, prices had fallen 10 to 15% and sellers were motivated.
He said, “Tom, that’s great news! Are you getting the word out to to those wanting to buy lakefront property?”
I said, “Well, I think so. But, you know, I’m not sure.”
I told him that my message might be getting lost among the great deluge of “bad news” such as government bailouts, bank failures and unemployment figures.
The question is: Are all lakefront buyers being affected equally by today’s economy? Many for sure, But all? If you are a lakefront buyer who is not suffering the ill effects of this economy you need to know something. There’s never been a better time to buy lakefront property. The deck is stacked in your favor.
There, I’ve said it. But will people believe me??
When gasoline was over $4.00 a gallon I read dire predictions in the newspaper that gasoline was heading to $5.00 a gallon. It was all so simple. Now that China and other parts of the undeveloped world were now industrialized they were competing for oil and we in the U.S. were toast. Well, they didn’t say it exactly like that, but that was the gist.
When oil was $142 a barrel how many would have predicted that it would be selling for a $100 less a barrel only a few months later? Where are all those experts now that predicted $5.00 gasoline by Labor Day??
Americans feel manipulated. Even Mr. Lakefront felt forced into giving up his beloved macho 10mpg Chevy Tahoe for a wimpy 20mpg Chevy Trailblazer.
Bad news sells newspapers and builds ratings on cable news shows. Good news, like the great news for buyers of Maine lakefront property, is being lost in the proverbial shuffle.
If you have ever wanted to buy at the right time, that time is now.
But before you buy, you have to look and knowing where to look can save you a lot of time and frustration. By using our Lakefront Locator search tool you can view all of the lakefront and lake access property currently for sale for the entire state of Maine. Click on that hotlink and enter a world of possibilities. It’s easy to navigate around this site and there’s no need to go anywhere else. Once you’ve found something you like, we can send you much more detailed information at no obligation to you.
Buying Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Two More Considerations
December 30, 2008Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Beware the Pitfalls of Personal Property
January 7, 2009Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Getting the Word Out
I got a call from my brother who asked me how the market is for lakefront property. I told him that selection was great, interest rates were at 5% heading even lower, prices had fallen 10 to 15% and sellers were motivated.
He said, “Tom, that’s great news! Are you getting the word out to to those wanting to buy lakefront property?”
I said, “Well, I think so. But, you know, I’m not sure.”
I told him that my message might be getting lost among the great deluge of “bad news” such as government bailouts, bank failures and unemployment figures.
The question is: Are all lakefront buyers being affected equally by today’s economy? Many for sure, But all? If you are a lakefront buyer who is not suffering the ill effects of this economy you need to know something. There’s never been a better time to buy lakefront property. The deck is stacked in your favor.
There, I’ve said it. But will people believe me??
When gasoline was over $4.00 a gallon I read dire predictions in the newspaper that gasoline was heading to $5.00 a gallon. It was all so simple. Now that China and other parts of the undeveloped world were now industrialized they were competing for oil and we in the U.S. were toast. Well, they didn’t say it exactly like that, but that was the gist.
When oil was $142 a barrel how many would have predicted that it would be selling for a $100 less a barrel only a few months later? Where are all those experts now that predicted $5.00 gasoline by Labor Day??
Americans feel manipulated. Even Mr. Lakefront felt forced into giving up his beloved macho 10mpg Chevy Tahoe for a wimpy 20mpg Chevy Trailblazer.
Bad news sells newspapers and builds ratings on cable news shows. Good news, like the great news for buyers of Maine lakefront property, is being lost in the proverbial shuffle.
If you have ever wanted to buy at the right time, that time is now.
But before you buy, you have to look and knowing where to look can save you a lot of time and frustration. By using our Lakefront Locator search tool you can view all of the lakefront and lake access property currently for sale for the entire state of Maine. Click on that hotlink and enter a world of possibilities. It’s easy to navigate around this site and there’s no need to go anywhere else. Once you’ve found something you like, we can send you much more detailed information at no obligation to you.
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