It seems that plans for finding a solution to repairing or replacing the aging swing bridge that spans the waters of Long Lake and Brandy Pond in Naples are alive and well.
A report in this week’s Bridgton News tells of a repair plan that would solve saftey issues, put off any significant construction issues for another ten years, and cost a manageable $550,000.
Both local officials and members of the grassroots organization “Save the Bridge” find a lot to like with this new proposal and local state representative Rich Cebra will be talking with folks on the Transportation Committee in Augusta to try and get them on board.
This new proposal would basically repair the existing bridge for a fraction of the cost of replacing the existing bridge with either a fixed span bridge or a drawbridge. Those proposals were projected to cost, at a minimum, $7 million and had locals up in arms because the state was pushing for the fixed span option while many locals were vigorous in their support for a more expensive drawbridge.
We have posted the full article in our Lake News. Read all about it here.