This time of year is a good time for planting vegetation in open areas that run to the water. If you live on the water and have open areas, planting shrubs, trees and groundcover is an effective way to control phosphorus runoff and thereby contribute to the health and well-being of the lake or pond.
Everyone who is a lakefront property owner should have an added sense of responsibility toward their stewardship of the land in order to help sustain high water quality for Maine lakes and ponds. Planting vegetation to create a buffer so that rainwater runoff doesn’t get to the lake is a fundamental control any lakefront landowner can implement to improve the health of a lake or pond.
As far as what to plant is concerned, something is better than nothing. I was recently reading a newsletter put out by the Worromontogus Lake Association and they had some fine suggestions for plantings including buttonbush, black chokeberry and royal fern. They also had several other suggestions for things lakefront property owners could do to be environmentally responsible.
Please visit this website http://www.togusponds.org/ then click on the hotlink to the Fall 2008 newsletter to get all the helpful details.
You can also contact the folks at the Lakes Environmental Association in Bridgton for solid information about what it means to be a good steward of the lake. You can visit their website at http://www.mainelakes.org/
Maine Lakefront Real Estate – Will It “Appraise Out”?
October 14, 2008Maine Waterfront Property – Have You Got Radon?
October 22, 2008Maine Waterfront Property Owners – Planting For Protection
This time of year is a good time for planting vegetation in open areas that run to the water. If you live on the water and have open areas, planting shrubs, trees and groundcover is an effective way to control phosphorus runoff and thereby contribute to the health and well-being of the lake or pond.
Everyone who is a lakefront property owner should have an added sense of responsibility toward their stewardship of the land in order to help sustain high water quality for Maine lakes and ponds. Planting vegetation to create a buffer so that rainwater runoff doesn’t get to the lake is a fundamental control any lakefront landowner can implement to improve the health of a lake or pond.
As far as what to plant is concerned, something is better than nothing. I was recently reading a newsletter put out by the Worromontogus Lake Association and they had some fine suggestions for plantings including buttonbush, black chokeberry and royal fern. They also had several other suggestions for things lakefront property owners could do to be environmentally responsible.
Please visit this website http://www.togusponds.org/ then click on the hotlink to the Fall 2008 newsletter to get all the helpful details.
You can also contact the folks at the Lakes Environmental Association in Bridgton for solid information about what it means to be a good steward of the lake. You can visit their website at http://www.mainelakes.org/
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