When it comes to Jetskis, or “personal watercraft ” as the manufacturers like to call them, ninety percent of lakefront homeowner opinions I’ve heard fall into two extreme positions.
Extreme Position #1: OUTLAW THEM COMPLETELY – Many believe that unlike powerboats, which are designed to take one from point A to point B, jetskis are not designed for that peaceful and benign purpose. Folks seeking thrills, excitement and a rather noisy kind of fun are drawn to jetskis like moths to a flame. To some, jetskis are to boats as “funny car” hot rods are to automobiles. A virulent strain.Most jetski owners are not oblivious to the fact that many people hate jetskis. Strangely, this does not deter them from buying jetskis. In gentler times, irritating the neighbors would be considered bad form, or at least unneighborly. Not any more. They seem to feel that “the right to own jetskis should not be infringed upon”. Their sentiment seems to be that folks who come from hundreds of miles away to enjoy the peace and tranquilty of the lake or pond are, well, just going to have to put up with us jetski owners.
Many in the “peace and quiet” crowd who yearn to commune with nature from their kayaks and canoes, generally favor the outlawing of jetskis, especially on smaller lakes and ponds.
Extreme Position #2: NO RESTRICTIONS ON JETSKIS ON ANY LAKE OR POND AT ANY TIME – Folks who hate the government interfering with our personal liberties decry the oncoming “nanny state”. “Where in the constitiution does it say that the government can abridge or eliminate the right to use one’s jetski whenever and wherever one wants?” is the hue and cry.Although only a tiny percntage of Maines lakes and ponds have prohibited jetski use, a fight is brewing. It was reported this week that a jetski owner is questioning the legality of the state to allow lakefront homeowners to prohibit jetskis on their lake (SEE FULL STORY). This jetski owner may be kicking a sleeping dog that just might bite him. Ever since the horrendous power boat accident on Long Lake attitudes are hardening.
The “Silent Majority” position – Allow jetski use on most lakes and ponds excepting the very smallest in size. Those jetskiers who become a problem or a nuisance would lose their right to operate a jetski on the lake. This position, however reasonable, is an enforcement nightmare for the harbormaster, the warden service and the local authorities. But the irresponsible and careless actions of a few should not bar the responsible use and enjoyment of jetskis by many lovers of Maine lakes and ponds.