I wish Al Gore would pay us a visit to us up here in Maine. I just know that he would re-consider his position on global warming. But then again, what would he do with all the carbon credits he’s been earning?
Although the calendar confirms that Spring has arrived, no one seems to have told Old Man Winter. It appears that he’s been out of the loop and is refusing to loosen his icy grip. I remember an old timer telling me once that Maine, unlike elsewhere, has only two seasons, Winter and Fourth of July. I laughed then – I’m not laughing now.
Now, I know that to some this has been the best of winters. The snowmobilers are happy. Skiers are happy. Ice Fisherman too. But for those of us selling lakefront property – well, let’s just say things could be better.
While the rest of the country is immersed in all the March Madness the NCAA Basketball Tournament can muster, we in Maine have a local diversion – Ice Out !!
While the productivity of the nation suffers as employees across our fair country huddle around water coolers comparing how they are doing with their selections in the tournament, we here in Maine are observing our own version of March (and April) Madness.
Over in Bridgton, folks have built a snowman, put him on a sled, and dragged him out on the ice on Moose Pond. Locals are placing $2 bets on what precise day in April Frosty the snowman will plunge through the ice. The person(s) who selects the correct day will receive half of the funds collected while the balance will go to the Bridgton Community Center. The Bridgton Community Center has been doing God’s work this winter raising and dispensing fuel assistance funds to the area needy.
Folks from away are allowed to buy tickets for this good and worthy cause. Tickets are available locally at Hayes True Value, The Bridgton Chamber of Commerce and the Little Mountain Store. Not going to be in Maine for awhile? Place your $2 bets with my associate Jon Whitney ( jon@mrlakefront.net ) who is in tight with the folks at the Chamber. Happy Easter!