January in Maine means cold and snow most anytime. These conditions generally curtail a lot of activity in the Maine lakefront property area, but afford opportunities for looking at other properties in ways not always taken advantage of.
Many of our clients are looking for land on which to build that special home. Often when a lakefront lot is not available or affordable, a client’s second choice is for a view lot. In this area of Maine a view lot usually means an elevated parcel that affords clear views of surrounding lakes and mountains.
I was out riding around recently and drove up into a recent subdivision that I first saw last year. In June, the rough, dirt road was rutted and wet. The lots had been cut over, but still there were many trees around, fully leaved out. You couldn’t always tell what the view was from a particular lot.
Today when I was up in the same subdivision the road was in much better shape. Gravel had been added and grading done and any place that was difficult in the past to drive over because of mud and ruts, was easy because today the road was frozen solid! No getting stuck in the mud today!
But the best part was to see the views. Magnificient! All the leaves are off the trees so I could clearly see what the developer had in mind – beautiful views of the White Mountains and Mount Washington.
Many trees are left to allow a new owner to decide how much to cut and how much to leave. In June my view was partially obstructed by the leaves on the trees. Now you can get an excellent idea of what your view would be without having to cut a tree prematurely.
Interested in a view lot? This is a great time to get out and have a look. Drive around and look for new subdivisions in elevated areas. Access roads are often kept plowed even if no construction has started.
Need some help? We can help you find just the right lot at just the right price and you don’t have to wait until spring to see it.
It may be cold out, but you can see for miles and miles.